Saturday, January 24, 2009


Careful...and cautious
Pancake mix p o u r s

On-to a s i z z l i n g PAN
Butter droplets SPIT

sWITCH of the Switch
While your Soft Skin Sleeps

Soundly, Un inter upted next door
JEANS+SOCS shewn on the bed room floor.

Table for Two

The hostess seats us at a tiny table
I open my mouth to protest
But after eying the table
By the window and discover it's taken
I seal my lips closed

Immediately, you declare, "Burgers!"
Which I announce to the tired server
When he hurls over to us.
He's trying hard to appear harmonious:
Wrinkled shirt and spot-stained apron.

Wrinkled, like your brow
When your mouth makes,
"Mine with Swiss please."
You are so sorely disappointed
When he forgets and brings it with American

Noting for the first time, your scar-I inquire
"This?" you tap it tediously...
"Debris from the Iraq war-wedged in,
You never noticed, you's always been too dark."
I roll my eyes and reach for a salty fry.

Switching the topic of conversation to the hero pilot,
Who safely landed hundreds in the middle of the Hudson River-you say:
"He flew fighter jets..he was an expert."
I watch your mouth move and listen
Hum-hum humming about holding you.